1 Corinthians

Relevant instruction for the modern church from an ancient church’s example. Come and learn what God intended for His church, the gospel in the believer’s life, and His calling upon us to walk in holiness.


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Sermon Preview for Sunday, February 9, 2025

I think so much of the battle, surrounding the topic of how God created male and female centers upon our own faith and trust in knowing what God did is in fact the most glorious good that could have been made. The things given to us in Scripture regarding our roles as men and women in the home and in the church are not outdated, irrelevant burdens, they can be trusted as good, gracious, and beneficial to us because they originate in our good, gracious, and glorious Father. In Christ men and women find their value, purpose, and significance equally.  Yet in the church and in the home, Christ has also authored our specific roles in order to glorify God as His children. There is a difference between mere tradition and God’s commandment reflected in creation. The “symbol of authority” or head covering may be the mere tradition of man, made necessary by the culture, but the explanation of headship roles given in 1 Corinthians 11:3 is based upon God’s created order. We therefore live in the freedom to NOT require the head coverings but we do not have the freedom to rebel against God’s glorious design. Men, let us stand courageous and seek to honor Christ alone in word or deed, and take our God-given place in leading those around us in this pursuit. Women, search for how God has uniquely blessed you powerfully to serve Him by helping and encouraging in every way. The ultimate goal is to be on the same page with each other desiring to see the Kingdom of God and His Glory grow exponentially. Our families, our church communities, and our culture itself needs it greatly.

Sermon Preview for Sunday, February 2, 2025

Our mighty and creative God has put His glory in all that He has made. The great hymn we know so well and sing from time to time declares, “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed.” God’s glory is displayed in us, in as much as we live in line with the way He created the universe itself. When we put 1 Corinthians 10:31 and 11:1 together we see the plan and purpose in Paul’s mind, everyone of us should seek the glory of God in each and every action of our lives and one way to learn how to do this is to see someone who does this and imitate them. Of course, the only one to ever walk this earth and perfectly glorify God without any flaw is Jesus Christ our Lord, and because of this fact we can say anyone who walks, talks, and thinks in line with Jesus Christ is someone we would do well to imitate. God has designed order and purpose in His Creation. Every one of us lives under the authority of Christ, and even Christ is under the authority of God the Father which makes it easier to understand what Paul fully means when he teaches “the head of a wife is her husband”. Let us seek the glory of God in everything we do. Oh that God would give us the faith to believe that His design in all things is better than anything we can come up with on our own.