1 Corinthians

Relevant instruction for the modern church from an ancient church’s example. Come and learn what God intended for His church, the gospel in the believer’s life, and His calling upon us to walk in holiness.


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Sermon Preview for Sunday, January 5, 2025

As we have discussed before, there is great value in looking through the stories of the Bible, in this case the Old Testament, in order to read the example of those who have walked before us. We gain a sense of direction when we can look at the life of others. There are good examples we should strive to follow, and there are examples that are good only because it teaches us what to avoid. In 1 Corinthians 10 Paul is in the middle of teaching the church through various examples in the Old Testament that proved to be good because they taught what to avoid. All throughout these stories we get a very valuable picture of God’s actions as well, and because we do, a pattern begins to emerge. This pattern continues to this very day due to the fact that the broken nature of human beings in sin and the perfect nature of God remain the same today as it was then and will continue to be the case until the end of time. The pattern can be described this way, God is perfectly faithful and men and women constantly act in unfaithfulness, and even still this does not affect God’s faithfulness. The words “God is faithful” serve as the centerpiece of the verses in 1 Corinthains 10:12-17, He never fails to accomplish all that he has in store for His people according to His perfect plan. From our perspective as imperfect and finite beings often times it appears as if God has no clue what He is doing or that He is acting in a way contrary to what we know is true in His character, at these times faith in the faithful God is required to carry on and continue in worship. Let us never run to any other being or thing, let us not lift our souls to another.

Sermon Preview for Sunday, December 22, 2024

Merry Christmas to all who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. He has come, entered the suffering we live through, suffered and died even though he never sinned in order to purchase freedom and peace with God for anyone who believes on Him in faith. May God richly bless you with His mercy, peace, and grace as we celebrate Jesus’ birth together in song and proclamation of God’s Holy Word. As ridiculous as it sounds, a Savior who comes to suffer and die, truly in the wisdom of God we understand only a suffering savior could truly help those who have sinned against God and thus live in the brokenness and devastation of this sin. Only one who is God and therefore outside of the world yet willingly chooses to put on flesh and enter this world as a man could show the path to righteousness with the sinless life He lived AND serve as the perfect lamb sacrifice of holiness necessary to make full atonement for our sins. Jesus is this person and He accomplishes every bit of this work all for the glory of God the Father. By faith I pray we see in Christ our Messiah, the Savior and Lord, and in such faith, we become among the many who are numbered as those who received “the consolation of Israel”. Merry Christmas to you and your family. God Bless us all.